What is Rhythmical Massage Therapy?
Rhythmical Massage Therapy uses a calm rhythmical quality of touch which works deeply into the soft tissues of the body. The movements are generally flowing, rounded and harmonious. The aim is to support and strengthen the rhythmical processes and activities of the body, which are the basis of good health. This enables new possibilities of health to arise.
Rhythmical Massage Therapy is indicated for a much wider range of health problems than is usual for conventional Massage, as it addresses the more subtle energy systems at work in the body. It was developed by Dr Ita Wegman MD in the 1920s from classical Swedish Remedial Massage. Dr Margarethe Hauschka MD also contributed to its further development. Read more, see Dr I Wegman MD and Dr M Hauschka.

When is Rhythmical Massage helpful?
Rhythmical Massage Therapy can be of benefit in supporting the individual with both acute and chronic conditions of a physical or psychological nature.
For example:
Arthritic conditions
Cardiovascular problems including High Blood Pressure
Convalescence, including after operations
Digestive disorders
Immune support
Low back pain
Menstrual problems
Migraine and headaches
Muscular tension
Neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s and Multiple Sclerosis
Pain management
Supporting circulation and lymph drainage
In general, treatments are experienced as being relaxing, warming and harmonising. People often comment on a renewed sense of wellbeing, of feeling more upright and free from feelings of tiredness and heaviness. Rhythmical Massage can be of great help for improving mental and emotional health, helping to bring stability and calmness, and a feeling of being centred. Rhythmical massage is suitable for all ages.
To learn more, see further research.
What to expect if you come for a treatment
Treatments are given in a warm room with the client well covered with a soft sheet or towels. Only the area to be treated is left uncovered. Each session usually lasts about an hour and includes a rest period of between ten and twenty minutes, in which the client is wrapped up so they are warm and comfortable. The rest time enables the client to peacefully relax and let go, and allows the effects of the massage to be fully integrated. The oils that have been applied will be absorbed and so become effective within the body.

The Use of Natural Oils and Ointments
The aromatic oils and ointments used in the massage are made from natural organic ingredients and are free from artificial additives. They are carefully chosen to meet the particular needs of the individual.
Rosemary oil can be used on the limbs to awaken and enliven. Lavender oil can be used for symptoms of anxiety and persistent sleeping problems. Hypericum Oil (St. John’s Wort) is often used to support the body's warmth and circulation. A warming massage with Arnica Massage Balm can unlock muscle spasms, alleviate backache and neck pain and ease stiff and sore muscles.
Special applications are often used in treatment, for example an ointment made from Gold, Rose, and Lavender can be applied to the Heart region, for its harmonising and calming properties. Other major organs of the body can also be supported with appropriately chosen remedial substances. These are applied with special movement forms specific to each organ. These movements have in themselves, a profound therapeutic effect on the organs concerned.