A very warm welcome to Rhythmical Massage Therapy Association Members.
The subpages of this section are private, only accessible to Members and Associate Members of the Rhythmical Massage Therapy Association, UK & Eire.
How to sign up and log in to the Members-only section of the website
Please sign up and log in using the Log-in Bar here:
To sign up, use your email address and create a password.
You will need to read the Privacy Notice and agree to the Terms and Conditions before becoming a website member.
You will then be able to Log-in.
You can also use your Facebook or Google Log-in email address and password if you prefer.
Once you have successfully logged-in, go to the ‘Members Hub’.
For more information please read the Guide To Settings (Your Profile, Members Forum, News Notifications).
If you cannot find what you are looking for, please click one of the links below to access further support: