About the Rhythmical Massage Therapy Association
The Rhythmical Massage Therapy Association developed from "The Association of Rhythmical Masseurs", which was formed in 1983 by Adrian Large.
The main aims were:
to encourage the development of the Rhythmical Massage Profession in the UK.
to further professional skills and knowledge.
to become a group of supportive colleagues who in turn could help and encourage those who wanted to take a training in massage.
to maintain contact with others who were taking initiatives and responsibility for Rhythmical Massage in other countries.
to take up any legislative issues which might affect the right to practice Rhythmical Massage in other countries.
On the 3rd of June 2000, at Ilkley, a larger group of practicing Rhythmical Massage Therapists came together to form the existing organisation. The following aims were added:
to foster the development of the rhythmical massage therapy profession in the United Kingdom and Ireland.
to advance the awareness of colleagues, the wider medical profession, and the public in the field of rhythmical massage therapy.
to conduct research into the above and to disseminate the results widely.
And, in this constitution, “Rhythmical Massage Therapy” is a form of therapeutic massage arising from the insights of the Anthroposophy as outlined by Dr. Rudolf Steiner, PhD and developed by Dr. Ita Wegman, MD and Dr. Margarethe Hauschka, MD. This physical therapy addresses the needs of the patient in the realms of body, soul and spirit. As such, it is a therapeutic technique within the wider field of Anthroposophical medical therapy.
It states in The Articles of Association that members are expected to:
uphold the image of the human being as contained in Rudolf Steiner’s Anthroposophy.
work in mutual co-operation with the Medical Section of the School for Spiritual Science, both in the U.K. and Eire as well as at the Goetheanum.
foster relationships and affiliation with other groups with similar interests, both in the U.K. and Eire, and worldwide.
promote mutual support and colleagueship between members, and further the development of rhythmical massage therapy by:
supporting and initiating training and research.
arranging conferences, workshops, newsletters and other appropriate means of communication.
maintaining a list of members.
making available to the public an up-to-date list of practising members.
becoming informed of relevant developments in legislation and provision for members comprising the Association and to advise them of such matters.
promote high standards of professional conduct in terms of therapeutic practice, patient care and confidentiality. The Association will do this by promoting a Code of Ethics for Registered Practitioners for its members.
The Association will expect that members:
seek assistance, or refer the patient to his/her doctor, in any situation where the member may feel that he/she lacks the necessary knowledge or competence.
refrain from making statements or claims misrepresenting the therapeutic benefits of treatment.
maintain treatment rooms and ancillary areas in a clean and safe condition.
maintain accurate records of patient details and treatment and maintain confidentiality by a professional approach to storage and accessibility.
take an informed and responsible decision concerning appropriate professional indemnity insurance and maintain confidentiality by following GDPR guidelines regarding storage and accessibility.
The Association keeps the records that individual members shared with us in order to obtain the membership. The original data submitted is kept as physical copies in a locked container with the Treasurer. Digital copies are kept in the association’s cloud-based Google Mail and/or Drive and accessible to the Council.
Full member: Those eligible for full membership are those who have completed training in Rhythmical Massage Therapy, as recognised by the Association through the Council.
Associate Member: Those eligible for associate membership are those who are currently undertaking rhythmical massage therapy training, currently non-practising members and overseas members.
Note: membership of the Association is at the discretion and judgement of the council.
The Council
Present Council Members 2021:
Adrian Large Chairperson
Carrie Milton Secretary
Judy Wakeman Training Contact
Liz Binns Treasurer
Trish Rider The Rhythmical Massage Therapy Representative of the Anthroposophic Medical Section Council in Great Britain